When Should You Feed Grass

Grazing is a key component of successful grass farming. When done correctly, it can help promote healthy plant development and reduce the need for supplemental feedings. To optimize success, carefully consider when to introduce grass into the diet.

Timing is critical for nourishing grasses with optimal nutrition. Plant growth is fastest during spring, which is when maximum nutrient uptake occurs. As temperatures cool and days shorten, plants transition from vegetative to reproductive growth, increasing sugars and carbohydrates but reducing protein levels in leaves.

Additionally, summer may require extra care as heat stress can cause plant stress and slow down production; supplement hay if necessary at this time. On the other hand, fall harvest provides the greatest nutritional content with less water retention, so schedule regular grazing around harvesting time.

Be mindful of risks associated with overgrazing–cutting too close to bare dirt results in more weeds popping up next season and leaves pastures susceptible to run-off contamination. Do not overstock either; plan pasture rotations that move animals onto fresh herbage after a certain number of days or weeks to ensure consistent quality and availability of the best feed possible throughout the year.

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