What Temperature Kills Grass Seed

Heat is essential for grass seed growth, but too much of it is fatal. Certain temperatures can kill germinated grass seeds, thereby affecting their ability to grow. For most grass seed varieties, the ideal temperature range should be between 60 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (15 and 35 degrees Celsius). 

At the lower end, too little heat can slow germination or even stop it altogether. Egg-shaped brown spots may appear on stressed grass blades due to insufficient warmth. On the other hand, increasing temperatures past 95 °F (35 °C) can cause dormancy in some species; once this occurs seeds may die off quickly as they will no longer have the energy to survive. 

It’s important for gardeners to take extra precautions when growing sensitive varieties of grass in areas with hot climates. Try planting after sunset or early morning when the temperature dips for a few hours so that newly-germinated seeds have enough time to take root before the heat takes a toll. Lowering water pressure might also help in avoiding scorched patches on sodden lawns; make sure soil remains adequately moist but not soaking wet as that increases the risk of rapid heating during hot summer days. 

In short, exercising caution while maintaining an optimal soil temperature is key in preventing costly damages due to extreme weather conditions.

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