What Kills Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are legendary for their large, beauty-filled blooms, making them a garden staple. But the wrong care can drastically reduce the vitality of these plants and even lead to their demise. 

Too much sun, excessive heat, or drought kills hydrangeas quickly. The plants need partial shade and moist soil in order to flourish. Additionally, add fertilizer once every six months to provide necessary nutrient replenishment.

Root rot is one of the most common afflictions, initially appearing with wilting foliage or spotted leaves. To treat this, discard affected roots and prune back withered stems before replanting in fresh compost and changing up their position. 

Insects such as aphids often attack hydrangeas; spraying with an insecticide will rid these pests from the leaves, but natural remedies like soap water can also help control infestations without incurring harm to the plant’s health. 

Finally, pruning must be done properly. Cut away dead branches during winters while removing withered flowers during late summer after they’ve bloomed and faded away. Follow these guidelines for healthy gardened beauty!

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