Improve your garden’s soil with coffee and eggshells. Both coffee grounds and eggshells are bursting with nitrogen, calcium, and other essential nutrients that roses need for healthy growth. While you can use either option separately, combining them doubles the benefit to your roses!
Start by collecting empty eggshells from your family’s kitchen scraps. Grind them in the food processor until they reach a fine grit—this will save you time when it comes to application.
Next, grab those leftover coffee grounds from the morning pot and mix them in with eggshells. Sprinkle this mixture around each rose bush; repeat monthly for best results over the growing season.
The nitrogen found in these two household items will give your roses an energy boost while providing a natural fertilizer feeder that helps promote better blooms year-round. Calcium is also critical for absorbing other key minerals like phosphorous and potassium. Plus, both organic materials help improve soil drainage, retain water, deter pests, and reduce weeds!
So don’t let good fertilizers go to waste; transform those common kitchen resources into beneficial nutrients for the beautiful roses in your garden!