How To Make Homemade Rose Food

Harvesting roses is an art. To keep them looking gorgeous, they need the right nourishment. Making homemade rose food is the perfect way to provide that.

Start by combining two tablespoons of Epsom salts in a gallon of water. Calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate in the salt solution help roses thrive. Add a teaspoon of liquid dish soap to help disperse the mixture before applying it to your precious blooms.

Now, mix one cup of fish emulsion into one gallon of water and apply this nutrient-packed cocktail to the base of the plants each time you water–typically once or twice a week if there’s no rain in sight for several consecutive days.

For additional strength, toss over one tablespoon of raw sugar into each gallon and watch your blossoms dance with delight! Manure tea, blended from aged goat, sheep, or steer manure every three months, also delivers a natural energy boost to carry them through winter’s chill and spring’s revival.

Whichever concoction you use each season, be sure it’s organic-based fertilizer certified for use on edibles. Nourishing roses organically is proven safe for beautiful buds and filling your plate alike!

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