Fertilizing your lawn properly can help set a foundation for healthy growth and resilience. But how often should you do it?
The frequency of fertilization depends on your climate and the type of grass present. Generally, warm-season grasses should be fertilized twice a year – in spring and early fall – while cool-season grasses benefit from three applications – late summer or early fall, late autumn into winter and again in early spring.
Here are key tips when applying fertilizer:
• Inspect your soil’s pH tests prior to spreading; ideally, the pH should register 6.0 to 7.0.
• Do not over-fertilize; too much can burn the grass root system and limit its ability to absorb vital nutrients.
• Use correct amount for square footage applied by manufacturer directions for maximum benefit.
• Choose slow-release formulas that take longer to break down in the soil instead of quick releases that lose effectiveness faster due to runoff or heavy rain or heat spells.
A deep watering after each session helps absorb the fertilizer particles into the root zones for adequate nourishment and leafy development for lush lawns all season long!